Grounded & Graceful – sounds promising? It is! This class is a typical Simon class. It takes you through every conceivable asana, without any fuss or rush. You will suddenly find yourself in postures that you wouldn’t have thought would work so easily when you started your yoga practice. Get involved in a flowing, powerful hour with yourself that brings you into the wonderful feeling of gratitude and acceptance that makes you radiate inside. Look forward to the one or other challenge, which you will master with ease under Simon’s guidance.
#GroundedAndGraceful #FlowingPower #EffortlessAsanas
Zwischen dem 01.01 und 7.01.2024 erhälst du mit dem Code 20BecomingYou24 10% Rabatt. Hole dir jetzt den Online Coaching Kurs und starte gemeinsam mit Sophia durch!