Immerse yourself in a calming journey with our class titled “Breathe in your intention, breathe out the tension.” Embrace the philosophy of keeping it simple, present, and grounded as you navigate through this Yin Yoga session. This class is designed to alleviate back pain and encourage a serene state of mind by focusing on the hips and lower back. Let go of tension and cultivate tranquility as you connect with your breath and the present moment.
#Stag #Swan #HalfDragonfly #YinYoga #Hips #LowerBack #Calm #BackPainRelief
Datum des Live Streams: 08.10.2024
Zwischen dem 01.01 und 7.01.2024 erhälst du mit dem Code 20BecomingYou24 10% Rabatt. Hole dir jetzt den Online Coaching Kurs und starte gemeinsam mit Sophia durch!