Embark on a journey to discover the essence of ‘home’ within yourself. As we explore the theme of finding home in our body, mind, and the people around us, we will engage in a practice that strengthens and stretches our beings. This class will guide you to cultivate a deeper connection with your shoulders, legs, and upper back, providing a sense of grounding and presence. The sequence culminates in the Bound Seated Twist, a peak pose that offers a profound twist and release for the entire body. Experience the transformative power of aligning your physical space with your internal sense of home.
#TwistedChair #Warrior1 #BrokenTriangle #BoundSeatedTwist #VinyasaYoga #Strengthening #Stretching #Shoulders #Legs #UpperBack #YogaPractice #MindBodyConnection
Recording of “Morning Flow (engl.) on 21.03. at 07.30 a.m.
Zwischen dem 01.01 und 7.01.2024 erhälst du mit dem Code 20BecomingYou24 10% Rabatt. Hole dir jetzt den Online Coaching Kurs und starte gemeinsam mit Sophia durch!