Embark on a journey of self-acceptance and body awareness with this Yoga class. Embrace the philosophy that not everything remains constant as we explore the dynamic flow of Vinyasa Yoga. Experience a calming yet energizing morning routine that strengthens and stretches, creating an atmosphere suitable for all. Focus on alleviating menstrual cramps, back pain, tiredness, and stress through targeted asanas for your hips, hamstrings, shoulders, booty, abdomen, and full body. Join us as we flow through a series of mini peak poses, culminating in the option to challenge yourself with a cheeky koundinyasana.
#VinyasaYoga #Movement #HathaVinyasa #Calming #Energizing #Strengthening #Stretching #Relaxing #MorningRoutine #PregnancyFriendly #Hips #Hamstrings #Shoulders #Booty #Core #FullBody #MenstrualCrampsRelief #BackPainRelief #FightTiredness #StressRelief #Koundinyasana #MiniPeaks #YogaClass
Aufzeichnung von “Yoga Flow” am 06.03.24, 07.15 Uhr
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