Join us for the “Once in a blue moon” yoga class, where we will explore the theme of normalizing miracles and finding them in our everyday lives. This Vinyasa Yoga class will leave you feeling calm, strengthened, and stretched.
Throughout the class, we will focus on the hips, hamstrings, and legs, with the peak pose being hips and hamstrings. You can expect to practice Chandra namaskar, a moon salutation sequence, as well as handstand hops to challenge your balance and strength.
No additional equipment is needed for this class, just bring yourself and an open mind. The class is suitable for those with basic knowledge of yoga, so whether you are a beginner or have been practicing for a while, you will find value in this class.
Stress is a common part of our daily lives, but this class aims to help you release and manage stress through the practice of yoga. By focusing on the body and connecting with your breath, you will leave feeling more centered and at ease.
Important note for prenatal/pregnancy-related classes:
It is important to remember that every pregnancy is unique, so please modify each exercise to suit your needs, take breaks when necessary, and trust yourself and your body. Please only participate in these classes if you have received clearance from your healthcare provider or midwife.
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