This session is centered around the philosophy of opening your heart, connecting with your inner light, and letting it shine brightly. Feel the energizing and strengthening effects as we guide you through a series of empowering asanas designed to combat tiredness and revitalize your spirit. Focused on the shoulders, lower back, and core, this class will leave you feeling strong, open, and luminous.
#CrescentMoon #Warrior1Variation #HumbleWarrior #Backbends #VinyasaYoga #Shoulders #LowerBack #CoreStrength #Energize #Strengthen
Datum des Live Streams: 10.07.2024
Zwischen dem 01.01 und 7.01.2024 erhälst du mit dem Code 20BecomingYou24 10% Rabatt. Hole dir jetzt den Online Coaching Kurs und starte gemeinsam mit Sophia durch!