By assigning meaning to every action, word, movement, and task, your practice transforms into a prayer. Shifting from “what” to “how” enriches not only your practice but also brings you back to creating from your center. This class is designed to alleviate back pain, combat tiredness, and reduce stress, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and centered.
#Bridge #FullWheel #Bekasana #VinyasaYoga #HathaVinyasa #MindfulPrayer #Hips #Shoulders #Core #BackPain #StressRelief
Datum des Live Streams: 03.10.2024
Zwischen dem 01.01 und 7.01.2024 erhälst du mit dem Code 20BecomingYou24 10% Rabatt. Hole dir jetzt den Online Coaching Kurs und starte gemeinsam mit Sophia durch!